Results for Sustainable Investment

Daily Media Briefing
January 17, 2018- BlackRock chief Larry Fink calls for “new model of shareholder engagement”
- EU declares war on plastic waste
- Singapore’s Code of Corporate Governance to be made more user-friendly for companies
- Teva to pay $22.1 million to Israel authorities to settle foreign bribe claims
- Companies unite to end modern slavery in Asia

Daily Media Briefing
January 15, 2018- French salmonella baby milk scandal 'affects 83 countries'
- Malaysia leads the way with new guidelines
- Loss of US retail industry jobs is hitting women hardest
- Open Banking 'revolution' to challenge banks' dominance
- Russia and US join global pact to restrict fishing in thawing Arctic in deal to protect marine life

Daily Media Briefing
January 02, 2018- Time’s Up – Women from across Hollywood form movement to target systemic sexual harassment
- Apple apologises for iPhone battery performance controversy
- Silicon Valley robotics company partners with Rwandan government to deliver blood by drone
- African Development Bank challenged over financing of oil and gas projects
- Report: Australian federal government failing to meet Indigenous Peoples targets

Daily Media Briefing
December 21, 2017- Global disasters in 2017 caused an estimated $306 billion in economic losses, says Swiss Re
- China to require polluters to pay for environmental damage
- Uber to face stricter EU regulation after ECJ rules it is transport firm
- New York Pension Fund to explore strategy to divest from fossil fuels
- A small number of farms are responsible for the majority of antibiotic use

Daily Media Briefing
December 19, 2017- Boost for fossil fuel divestment as UK eases pension rules
- Twitter's hate speech rules are expanded
- Top British firms named and shamed on PM's fat cat pay list
- Wendy’s to cut antibiotic use in beef supply chain
- Chile bans bottom sea trawling in 98% of its exclusive economic zone

Daily Media Briefing
December 15, 2017- Gender pay gap data altered by companies
- National Australia Bank stops all lending for new thermal coal projects
- Report: Jewellers 'must do more' to combat potential human rights abuses
- US Labour Board reverses ruling that helped workers fight chains
- Singapore Environment Council awards first enhanced green label to Kimberly-Clark

Daily Media Briefing
December 14, 2017- Barclays launches new range of green finance products
- Microsoft doubles down on its ‘AI for Earth’ initiative, pledging $50M at Paris Summit
- Paris Summit: Sainsbury's and Unilever sign up to blockchain trials for supply chain practices
- Major UK retailers face legal threat over marketing its food with 'fake farm' names
- Survey: Trust in business to behave ethically recovers slightly

Daily Media Briefing
December 13, 2017- Big investors press major companies to step up climate action
- BlackRock wields its $6 trillion club to combat climate risks
- Paris Summit: AXA boss warns a '+4°C world is not insurable'
- Corporate Equality Index: a record 609 companies earning perfect scores in the US
- Redrow targets biodiversity 'net gain' at new developments

Daily Media Briefing
December 12, 2017- ExxonMobil bows to shareholder pressure on climate
- Surveillance firms spied on campaign groups for big companies, leak shows
- Meat tax "inevitable" as governments strive to meet Paris Agreement requirements
- Former Facebook executive: social media is ripping society apart
- Penzance hailed as UK's first 'Plastic Free' community

Daily Media Briefing
December 07, 2017- UN commits to stop ocean plastic waste
- Report: environmental regulations can drive growth
- French banks stride ahead of European peers in fight against climate change
- Australia needs new watchdog to tackle slavery, parliamentary inquiry says
- Chinese ban on plastic waste imports could see UK pollution rise