Results for Governance

Daily Media Briefing
October 26, 2017- Study: biodiversity conservation spending is cheap and effective
- Fastest growing US jobs in healthcare and clean energy, according to new report
- Twitter reveals plan to show who is behind political ads
- Sanitary towel advert becomes first to show red 'blood'
- Singapore aims to be 25% solar-powered by 2025

Daily Media Briefing
October 24, 2017- Corporates raising the bar on Climate Action, as 150+ companies take the top spot on CDP’s Environmental A List
- Nicaragua to join Paris climate accord, leaving US and Syria isolated
- Clean energy investments worth $500m over 5 years set to create 400 jobs in Singapore
- SSE and Drax call for UK to ensure ‘robust and strong’ carbon price
- New initiative brings Australia a step closer to zero food waste

Companies demand data and tools to value ESG risks and opportunities
October 13, 2017 In light of increasing investor pressure on companies to disclose on ESG issues, risk assessment tools can play a key role in quantifying a company's financial exposure, Libby Bernick writes. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
October 04, 2017- Ben & Jerry’s strikes deal to improve migrant dairy workers’ conditions
- Asda and Co-op team up to share supply chain data
- General Motors announces plans for ‘all-electric future’
- Salesforce dedicates $50 million to impact investments
- Mining companies' links with politicians 'susceptible to corruption’, report finds

Dull but important – why corporate governance matters
September 11, 2017 Signs are just starting to show a new approach to how our major corporations are governed and held to account, says Mike Tuffrey. However few are getting excited about it. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
August 24, 2017- Chile launches National Action Plan on Business & Human Rights
- Johnson & Johnson unit speaks out at planned death row drug use
- UK company sells lead to last place on Earth where leaded petrol is legal
- Brazil opens vast Amazon reserve to mining
- Borough Market to phase out plastic bottle sales with free fountains

Daily Media Briefing
August 23, 2017- Coca-Cola, PespiCo and others agree to cap sugar in drinks in Singapore
- M&S unbuttons sustainable denim range
- Exxon Mobil downplayed climate change when it knew the problem was real, study finds
- Victoria state, Australia moves to become first state to enshrine renewable energy targets in law
- UN labour agency launches global panel to address rapid transformations in the world of work

Daily Media Briefing
August 21, 2017- Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer robots
- Uber in talks with local government to fill Sydney's public transport gaps
- Soft drink companies urged by Singapore government to cut sugar content
- 100 UK firms promise electric fleets by 2020
- Motorola files patent for phone that can repair its own screen

Daily Media Briefing
August 07, 2017- Storm at Google over engineer's anti-diversity manifesto
- Australian superannuation funds criticised over climate risk
- Tax expert appointed with the Global Reporting Initiative
- UK data protection laws to be overhauled
- Australian recycling companies stockpiling tonnes of glass as cheap imports leave market in crisis

Daily Media Briefing
August 04, 2017- Green & Black's bar drops Fairtrade and organic label
- Over 1,000 defective cars for lease allegedly bought by Uber for Singapore
- Shareholders increasingly placing pressure on U.S. companies to address deforestation
- Tesla in online drive to mentor Australian schoolchildren on sustainability
- London to double size of electric car charging network in 2018