Results for Climate Change

Daily Media Briefing
December 18, 2018- EU agrees deal to cut greenhouse emissions from cars by 37.5% by 2030
- Investors push Exxon to list emissions targets in annual reports
- Google has reportedly ended China search project
- Workers get new rights in overhaul but zero-hours contracts remain
- UK: Packaging producers to pay full recycling costs under waste scheme

Daily Media Briefing
December 17, 2018- JUST Capital, Forbes name Americas most JUST companies for 2018
- COP24 Climate change deal to bring pact to life
- China’s detention camps for Muslims turn to forced labour, evidence suggests
- Johnson & Johnson shares drop after asbestos report
- Bursa Malaysia reinforces support of TCFD recommendations

Daily Media Briefing
December 13, 2018- Morgan Stanley calls out investor bias against women and minorities
- One-third of large Australian companies paid no tax, ATO data show
- Chile drives electric vehicle rollout in Latin America
- Facebook among firms named on Myanmar human rights 'dirty list'
- COP24: International bodies commit to 'climate neutrality'

Daily Media Briefing
December 12, 2018- Report: Brexit chaos fuels fears over on-going environmental risks
- McDonald's to curb antibiotic use in its beef supply
- Development bank to halt coal financing to combat climate change
- Environmental human rights defenders prevented from attending COP24
- Australia: Labor Party urges crackdown on companies outsourcing work to drive down wages

Daily Media Briefing
December 11, 2018- Barclays lets mobile banking users block gambling and drinking
- Men are still winning three-quarters of new boardroom jobs
- Ai Weiwei creates flag to mark 70th anniversary of Universal Human Rights Declaration
- Dozens of big-name fashion brands pledge to become carbon-neutral by 2050
- £100m UK funding for clean power projects in Africa

Daily Media Briefing
December 10, 2018- Asset managers team up to pressure governments on climate change
- COP24 fails to adopt key scientific report
- Brazil to review Paris Agreement status, says Bolsonaro environment minister
- Research report: The costs of fuelling humanitarian aid
- Malaysian rubber gloves supplier accused of abusing workers' rights

To net zero and beyond: how companies are leading on climate action
December 07, 2018 In a major new piece of research, based on a series of discussions involving some of the world’s largest companies, Natural Capital Partners sets out seven ways that companies can contribute to building a net zero economy. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
December 06, 2018- WHO: Health benefits outweigh costs of meeting Paris Agreement climate goals
- World's biggest container shipper commits to carbon neutrality by 2050
- Employees frustrated by corporate inaction on climate change, survey finds
- UK: Social media campaign launched to tackle modern slavery & sexual exploitation
- Australia passes bill to force tech firms to hand over encrypted data

Daily Media Briefing
December 05, 2018- Report: Know The Chain 2018 Apparel and Footwear Benchmark released
- Insurance company goes under after California's most destructive wildfire
- 'Mother of all sustainability challenges': report urges global diet and farming overhaul
- Singapore’s Ministry of Health considers whether to ban or tax high-sugar drinks
- Banking giants pledge to align investment portfolios with Paris Agreement

Daily Media Briefing
December 04, 2018- Shell to pay executives in line with decarbonisation achievements
- Corporate tax breaks cost U.S. schools billions of lost revenue
- More than a third of Australian lawyers sexually harassed at work, survey finds
- A third of firms worldwide targeting more sustainable supply chains
- Europe's tech startups suffer from 'diversity debt', survey finds