Results for Policy & Research

Daily Media Briefing
October 14, 2016- Harvard Business Review ranks world’s best-performing CEOs
- Obama: We'll be debating universal basic income 'over the next 10 or 20 years'
- Early warning systems reveal child labour in Bangladesh’s garment industry
- GM seed firm Monsanto dismisses 'moral trial' as a staged stunt
- Report: Sustainable agriculture could unlock $2.3 trillion a year from 2030

Daily Media Briefing
October 12, 2016- UK Anti-Slavery Commissioner pledges action to hold companies to account
- Taxes on sugary foods and drinks backed by World Health Organisation
- MSC report shows accelerated growth in the sustainable seafood supply chain
- Report: Energy crops offer farmers income and productivity boost
- Facebook continues fight over US taxes after Ireland move

Daily Media Briefing
October 10, 2016- World Bank says Paris climate goals at risk from new coal schemes
- UK retreats on plans to make companies list foreign workers
- Fifa faces legal challenge over Qatar migrant workers
- RBS squeezed struggling businesses to boost profits, leak reveals
- Global demand for energy will peak in 2030, says World Energy Council

Daily Media Briefing
October 06, 2016- Paris Climate Treaty to take effect in November
- City-led climate action heralds $26 billion green business opportunity
- Apple named biggest tax avoider in US
- UN warns universal education goal will fail without 69 million new teachers
- UnitedHealth accused of gouging customers on prescription drugs

Signs of hope
October 06, 2016 Amid continuing concern about the hard economic consequences of Brexit, there’s cause for optimism from good progress on the Paris climate agreement and roll-out of the Global Goals, says Mike Tuffrey. Read more >
Corporate social advocacy: speak up or stand down?
October 06, 2016 As the US election approaches, more and more businesses are taking their lobbying public. What are the risks and opportunities for activist companies? Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
October 05, 2016- UK firms could be made to publish foreign workers list in bid to 'put Britons first'
- Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for US intelligence
- Ernst & Young settles charges ex-auditors got 'too close' to clients
- Indonesia hails tax amnesty a success but special treatment for super rich stirs public anger
- Report: One-third of US companies combine EHS with sustainability at the corporate level

Daily Media Briefing
October 04, 2016- UN airline emissions accord depends on massive scale-up of biofuels
- Canada to impose carbon tax from 2018 in bid to hit Paris goals
- Study: Trade unions a blunt tool in reducing inequality
- British Gas helps more than one million people fight fuel poverty
- Amnesty urges compassionate overhaul of refugee response

Daily Media Briefing
September 30, 2016- Wind power is about to get a whole lot cheaper
- Salesforce is said to question Microsoft-LinkedIn deal in Europe
- Coca-Cola bottler serves up new sustainability goals
- England needs almost double the number of marine zones to ensure healthy seas
- France tops sustainable real estate ranking

Daily Media Briefing
September 21, 2016- Microsoft will 'solve' cancer within 10 years by 'reprogramming' diseased cells
- UN agrees to fight 'the biggest threat to modern medicine': antibiotic resistance
- Sweden to give tax breaks for repairs
- Global trade deal threatens Paris climate goals, leaked documents show
- US and China release fossil fuel subsidy peer reviews