Results for Energy

Daily Media Briefing
September 29, 2017- UK food regulator to investigate chicken supplier accused of tampering with food safety dates
- Google offers concessions to Europe after record antitrust fine
- Tropical forests are ‘no longer carbon sinks’ because of human activity
- easyJet says it could be flying electric planes within a decade
- China unveils new electric vehicle quotas

Daily Media Briefing
September 20, 2017- Top retailers demanded to stop selling 'unsustainable tuna'
- Half of UK firms 'have not produced slavery reports'
- Velocys and British Airways sign waste-to-fuel deal
- Leading business speed energy transition at climate week NYC
- Proponents of sex trafficking bill urge tech companies to drop opposition

Daily Media Briefing
September 18, 2017- Tillerson says U.S. could stay in Paris climate accord
- Alan Finkel urges Australia PM to adopt clean energy target before states act
- PwC reveals black and Asian workers are paid 13% less
- UK carbon targets 'under threat' unless businesses invest in energy managers
- Look beyond the bottom line for growth, Asian corporates urged

Daily Media Briefing
September 14, 2017- Investors call on the wold’s largest banks to disclose climate-related financial information
- Chocolate industry drives rainforest disaster in Ivory Coast
- M&Ms’s new ad is selling renewable energy and wind power
- Evian unveils carbon-neutral bottling site
- How US firms are defying Trump to boost renewable power demand

Daily Media Briefing
September 05, 2017- John Lewis removes 'boys' and 'girls' labels from children's clothes
- India’s Modi pushes international solar agreement
- Fears some franchisors will get around new vulnerable worker laws
- Starbucks launches last hour discount to cut food waste
- HP unveils world's first printer made with closed-loop recycled plastic

Daily Media Briefing
August 23, 2017- Coca-Cola, PespiCo and others agree to cap sugar in drinks in Singapore
- M&S unbuttons sustainable denim range
- Exxon Mobil downplayed climate change when it knew the problem was real, study finds
- Victoria state, Australia moves to become first state to enshrine renewable energy targets in law
- UN labour agency launches global panel to address rapid transformations in the world of work

Daily Media Briefing
August 21, 2017- Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer robots
- Uber in talks with local government to fill Sydney's public transport gaps
- Soft drink companies urged by Singapore government to cut sugar content
- 100 UK firms promise electric fleets by 2020
- Motorola files patent for phone that can repair its own screen

Daily Media Briefing
August 18, 2017- Technology companies join together to condemn white supremacists
- Some U.S. Democrats see tax overhaul as a path to taxing carbon
- Supervolcano minerals discovery to boost green cars, study finds
- UK Government formally hands over reins of Green Investment Bank to Macquarie
- Power grid operator offers alternatives to natural gas plant but at higher cost

Daily Media Briefing
August 17, 2017- Trump disbands business councils after CEOs quit in protest
- Spotify removes white supremacy music after events in Charlottesville
- New industry guide published on energy efficiency engagement
- Lack of waste infrastructure could leave UK open to 'potential disaster scenario' post-Brexit
- Investors plant $250m in alternative protein startups – and more dollars are coming

Daily Media Briefing
August 16, 2017- KPMG slapped with $6.2m fine over oil company audit errors
- Clean energy stocks outpacing fossil fuel investments in Trump era, report finds
- Modern slavery crackdown will force large Australian companies to examine supply chains
- Trump orders US infrastructure projects to ignore Obama-era climate risk rules
- Trucost launches new corporate carbon pricing tool