Results for Speaking Out

Reporting fatigue and the ESG rating and ranking industry
July 18, 2017 Does an increasingly crowded ESG rating and ranking landscape create unnecessary complexity and confusion when it comes to progressing the responsible investment agenda? Stephanie Mooij writes. Read more >
Fighting the good fight – standing up against forced labour
July 18, 2017 Addressing forced labour right across company supply chains can seem like a daunting task. The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and its members have now published a set of actions that highlight how the consumer goods industry is fighting against forced labour, writes Didier Bergeret. Read more >
Human rights – a tipping-point for business transparency
July 18, 2017Investor initiatives on human rights mark a new chapter for transparency, writes Charlie Ashford. Businesses must seize the opportunity.
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Collaborating on cotton – united approach aims to remove barriers to sourcing sustainably
June 13, 2017 Awareness is growing around the environmental and social benefits of sustainable cotton. Now a global coalition called Cotton 2040 is convening industry stakeholders to align efforts and take a more united approach to drive sustainable cotton into the mainstream, as Charlene Collison reports. Read more >
Joining a charity board: what’s in it for the employer?
June 13, 2017 Charities are struggling to fill the sizable vacancies on their boards, but what has this got to do with employers, and how can they benefit from this opportunity? Penny Wilson from Getting on Board explains. Read more >
Steady as she goes
June 13, 2017 Mike Tuffrey reads the runes of the UK general election and asks about the continued relevance of corporate responsibility and sustainability. Read more >
Sourcing Renewable Energy for Your Business: Worth its Weight in Gold/Green
June 13, 2017 An increasing number of companies are making public commitments to power their operations with renewable energy, but convincing senior management that the investment is worth it can still be a difficult task. Evidence of improvements to ESG ratings and reputation make the task easier, writes Rosie Helson, Marketing Manager at Natural Capital Partners, and Eric Vermeiren, Consultant at Corporate Citizenship. Read more >
CR and External Affairs: brothers in arms or long-lost cousins?
June 13, 2017 Nick Jackson puts forward the case for more joined-up thinking between Corporate Responsibility and External Affairs teams to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Read more >
How to encourage whistleblowing in the workplace and avoid Corporate Fraud
May 18, 2017 The UK saw a spike in incidences of corporate fraud in 2016. To combat this increasingly prevalent phenomenon, Aziz Rahman gives his tips on how businesses everywhere need to be putting whistleblowing policies in place. Read more >