Results for Reporting

Daily Media Briefing
December 08, 2016- Madagascar’s £152m vanilla industry soured by child labour and poverty
- Sports Direct chairman criticises ‘extreme campaign’ as profits fall 57%
- Children’s online junk food ads banned by UK industry
- GRI sets sights on water, health & safety in 2017
- Paris makes all public transport free in battle against ‘worst air pollution for 10 years’

GRI Standards: a five minute guide
November 08, 2016 Charlie Ashford introduces the Global Reporting Initiative’s newly-updated Standards for sustainability reporting. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
October 24, 2016- Child refugees in Turkey making UK clothes
- Most Singapore firms silent on sustainability
- Chartered Financial Analyst accreditation goes green
- City banks plan to hoard bitcoins to help them pay cyber ransoms
- Technology could harness energy from footsteps

Daily Media Briefing
October 19, 2016- GRI launches first global sustainability reporting standards
- FTSE 100 slow to report on fight against modern slavery
- Tesco boss: 'Food price inflation could be lethal for struggling millions'
- Green groups sue Norwegian government to block Arctic oil
- Report: Farming needs to harvest chance to cut emissions

Business action on the SDGs: closing the trust deficit
October 06, 2016 New research shows the extent of the 'trust deficit' between corporate action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Millennials' expectations. Businesses must act to close this gap. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
September 16, 2016- Most CFOs are not ‘absolutely convinced’ of the value of the sustainability report
- Indonesia and EU announce historic deal on timber trade
- ICC widens remit to include environmental destruction cases
- Oil disaster investigator alarmed by BP Great Australian Bight response
- Bill Gates' $14 million sees a future in low-carbon plastics

Daily Media Briefing
August 26, 2016- “Ethical” investment funds putting money into oil and tobacco firms
- Investors urge independent review of Sports Direct’s practices
- Mylan to provide EpiPen cost assistance following criticism
- Singapore's port authority to help fund sustainability reports for shipping firms
- General Motors recycles plastic bottles from Flint community to make coats for the homeless

Hunting the elusive evidence for a business case
August 02, 2016 There is a gap between rhetoric and evidence regarding the business case for sustainability, writes Richard Hardyment. Tackling it should be a priority. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
June 07, 2016- Abolish tax havens, say finance chiefs
- GRI reveals next tranche of modular sustainability standards
- John Oliver buys and forgives $15m worth of medical debt
- Nearly 60% of Qatar population live in 'labour camps'
- Ignoring scientists, Poland begins logging famous primeval forest