Results for Reporting

Universal standard: levelling the playing field
November 01, 2005 Tom Delfgaauw argues there's still a crisis of confidence in business and calls for greater consistency in reporting. Read more >
BSkyB: Broadcasting responsibility
November 01, 2005 To a company that broadcasts into the community, corporate responsibility plays a key role in business strategy. Oliver Wagg talks to Ben Stimson about how BSkyB manages responsibility across its diverse network of operations Read more >
Reporting: under fire and under-performing?
November 01, 2005 Ahead of a Corporate Citizenship Company study on CSR reporting, Nick Jones examines the latest crop of CSR reports and finds change in underway. Read more >
How are governments addressed in CSR reports?
November 01, 2005 Governments are rarely addressed in CSR reports and are generally the most neglected group of stakeholders, after the investors. However, governments are often the largest beneficiary of a company's economic activity. Read more >
CSR reporting under scrutiny
November 01, 2005 CSR reporting has been a remarkable success story so far. Even the big beasts of the jungle, like ExxonMobil and Wal-Mart are now getting involved. The GRI G3 will attempt to raise the bar and try to put disclosure on a strictly comparable and benchmarkable basis. Read more >
News round-up (Oct/Nov)
November 01, 2005 With global standards and initiatives on reporting proliferating, it may be time to raise the bar. The draft of the Global Reporting Initiative's third-generation (G3) Sustainability Guidelines will be available for public comment from January 2, 2006. Read more >
Reporting in crisis
November 01, 2005 Mallen Baker calls for leading corporate reporters to challenge what is becoming an increasingly tired format of the non-financial report. Read more >
Reporting CCI
November 01, 2005 Effective reporting of corporate community investment should be a key component of any company's CSR programme. Jon Lloyd guides us through some of the complexities of CCI reporting and highlights some of today's best reporters. Read more >
Introduction of the OFR
July 01, 2005 The introduction of the OFR has been announced by the government. It is likely it will will achieve a step change in the way most companies engage at the highest levels with these wider social, community and environmental issues that can impact long term shareholder value creation. Read more >