Results for Policy & Research

Daily Media Briefing
November 16, 2016- UK temp agencies' tax avoidance scheme costs 'hundreds of millions'
- China warns Trump against abandoning climate change deal
- San Francisco deals major blow to Airbnb with short-term rental law
- New Balance decries bigotry after endorsement from neo-Nazi site
- El Niño and the IMF force water tariff hikes across the global South

Daily Media Briefing
November 15, 2016- Google and Facebook move to restrict ads on fake news sites
- New study shows companies slow to tackle costly water risk
- Sarkozy proposes carbon tax on US goods if Trump scraps Paris climate pact
- Centrica warns over government intervention on UK energy bills
- VSO reveals ‘life-changing’ impact of volunteering

Trump: Déjà vu, all over again
November 10, 2016 The polls may not have predicted it, but the underlying causes of the upset outcome are evident, says Mike Tuffrey. What do we do now? Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
November 09, 2016- Climate action by US states and businesses “more important than ever” under Trump presidency
- UK companies need more women on executive committees, says review
- Toys R Us introduces ‘quiet hour’ to welcome autistic children
- Samsung HQ raided by prosecutors as South Korean political scandal deepens
- Rio Tinto suspends executive amid payments probe

Building bridges: how disclosing risk helps companies connect with investors
November 08, 2016 Corporate Citizenship's new Long-Term Value Project is exploring the disconnect between corporate responsibility (CR) and investor relations (IR). Eric Vermeiren explores how CR and IR teams can work to bridge the gap. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
October 28, 2016- Report: Modern Slavery Act galvanising leadership action
- World's largest marine park created in Ross Sea in Antarctica in landmark deal
- UK ‘gig economy’ worker rights inquiry announced
- Mexican economy set for boost following energy reforms
- Uber sees flying commuters in 10 years

Daily Media Briefing
October 25, 2016- Company climate change plans too weak to meet Paris goals, says CDP
- Advocacy groups urge crackdown on ‘influencer’ marketing aimed at children
- Retailers increasingly turn to sustainable cotton
- China turns to big data to rate companies and citizens
- Aid must provide value for money, says UK Minister Priti Patel

Daily Media Briefing
October 21, 2016- More US insurance companies preparing for climate change, but many still ignoring it
- World Bank: Emissions trading could cut carbon mitigation costs by a third
- China tech giants bet on 'Uber for bikes'
- Brazil charges BHP and Vale staff over mine collapse
- IMF assessment hints at internal struggles

Daily Media Briefing
October 19, 2016- GRI launches first global sustainability reporting standards
- FTSE 100 slow to report on fight against modern slavery
- Tesco boss: 'Food price inflation could be lethal for struggling millions'
- Green groups sue Norwegian government to block Arctic oil
- Report: Farming needs to harvest chance to cut emissions