Results for Speaking Out

Australia’s oldest brewing family shows how responsible business builds resilience against shocks
June 25, 2020 How Coopers Brewery, Australia’s oldest family owned and run brewery, has proved that strong principles can serve as a compass and create loyalty in a downturn. Read more >
Asset managers forced to disclose pandemic failures under new Stewardship Code
June 25, 2020 Will the revised UK Stewardship Code 2020 ensure asset managers, investors and companies fulfil their stewardship responsibilities, and accelerate the shift to stakeholder capitalism? Read more >
Britvic signs for £400m sustainability-linked loan
May 28, 2020 A first in the UK and another example of the increasingly popular credit facilities, with pricing linked to sustainability targets. Is this a sign of the times? Read more >
Build back better: Canadian government offers coronavirus loans for big businesses that demonstrate sustainability commitments
May 28, 2020 How Canada is using the opportunity to re-open the economy with sustainability criteria embedded within recovery plans to create a more resilient future. Read more >
Executive pay becoming virus focal point for ESG investors
May 28, 2020 How the pandemic is upping investor interest and action on salaries, bonuses and incentives for executives. Read more >
Refugees face new challenges as coronavirus closes national borders
April 30, 2020 While Covid-19 poses a risk to all members of society, the impact is even greater for asylum seekers and refugees. Read more >
Gender employment gap costs EU €360 billion a year
April 30, 2020 Equality in gender pay is still something that most companies are yet to fix, and continues to have a significant cost to women and the wider economy. Read more >
Primark and H&M are supporting garment workers, while other retail giants stay silent
April 30, 2020 How some fast fashion firms have announced their support to the millions of garment workers from factories in developing countries, while the majority have cancelled contracts. Read more >
Putting your money where the social impact is
April 01, 2020 Companies focused on social and environmental challenges, will soon have access to a significant new investment fund. KKR, the American global investment firm, has raised over $1.3 billion which it says is earmarked for companies that match purpose with profit. It will support growing start-ups and enterprises that intend to support the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 SDGs aim to act as a blueprint for companies and governments to implement and monitor their contribution to the world’s most pressing social and environmental issues. The money will be invested in companies that use technology to enhance safety, address mobility and sustainability, deliver waste management solutions, create sustainable products and services, or address the environmental impact of existing industries. Read more >