Results for Policy & Research

Daily Media Briefing
July 23, 2015- World mayors warn of threats to mankind, commit to UN development goals
- Investors back campaign for more transparency in the pharmaceuticals industry
- Hong Kong companies far behind global peers in carbon reporting
- New York state to raise fast food minimum wages
- UAE drops fuel subsidies to boost finances and cut emissions

Daily Media Briefing
July 22, 2015- Small scale solar energy subsidies set to end in UK
- World Bank holds first methane emissions auction
- Construction firms receive '3 trees' for sustainable timber progress
- Recession cut US emissions, rather than falling coal use
- 'Social supermarket' unites with surplus charity to tackle food poverty

Daily Media Briefing
July 21, 2015- Google worker claims her bonuses were blocked for exposing pay inequality
- A plastic road could be piloted in the Netherlands within three years
- Australia’s war on wind farms threatens biggest renewable project
- Colombia’s National Development Plan threatens to allow mining firms to operate on illegally acquired lands
- University caterers tuck in to new sustainability scheme

Daily Media Briefing
July 20, 2015- Ikea to pay UK workers more than National Living Wage in 2016
- Myanmar garment factories oppose 40-cent hourly minimum wage
- Mitsubishi Materials apologises for using US POWs as slave labour
- Climate talks advancing faster towards December deal
- Peatland emissions from oil palm conversion highly understated

Daily Media Briefing
July 15, 2015- Dow to implement sustainable agriculture as part of carbon-mitigation for 2016 Olympics
- Insurance industry 'should be forced to insure those at climate risk'
- Google accidentally reveals data on 'right to be forgotten' requests
- Monsanto, BP and Veolia agree to pay for cleanup of contaminated Welsh site
- Wristband tells you which chemicals you’re exposed to every day

Daily Media Briefing
July 14, 2015- Led by Starbucks, corporate coalition announces effort to hire 100,000 young people
- UK government to set out plans to tackle gender pay gap
- Report: green building era hits China
- UK Foreign Office: Climate change threat must be handled like nuclear proliferation
- Wind power generates 140% of Denmark's electricity demand

Daily Media Briefing
July 13, 2015- $50 million IFC funding to improve safety in Bangladesh factories
- UK government scraps zero carbon homes target
- Selfridges stops selling plastic water bottles to save oceans
- Mobile app designed to help save lives with one tap
- Biofuel from station coffee waste

Daily Media Briefing
July 09, 2015- European Parliament votes for country-by-country tax reporting
- UK unveils National Living Wage
- WWF and Unilever announce campaign to protect one million trees
- Green Climate Fund partners with Deutsche Bank to green fury
- Exxon knew of climate change in 1981, but funded deniers for 27 more years

Daily Media Briefing
July 08, 2015- Standard Chartered joins bank pact to prevent forest destruction
- Edelman loses executives and clients over climate change stance
- Report: UK business subsidies and tax breaks total £93 billion as government cuts welfare
- Electric 'robocabs' would reduce US greenhouse emissions by 94%
- Study urges ten climate actions to curb warming, lift GDP

Daily Media Briefing
July 07, 2015- BBC and partners unveil landmark coding initiative
- Singapore pledges new 2030 greenhouse gas targets to limit climate change
- WHO urges governments to raise tobacco taxes to beat smoking
- Cambodia union warns about fainting garment factory workers
- Study: More green energy competition will reduce UK energy bills