Results for Human Rights

Daily Media Briefing
October 15, 2020- Investor rebellion at Procter & Gamble over environmental concerns
- Singapore launches first institute dedicated to green finance research and talent development
- Aid watchdog ranks UK efforts to end modern slavery as unsatisfactory
- Amazon workers say ‘Prime Day’ rush breaks virus safety vows
- Pandemic casts shadow on off-grid solar sales in poorer nations

Daily Media Briefing
September 30, 2020- Blackrock's circular economy fund has raised $900m in its first year
- Two-fifths of plants at risk of extinction, says report
- World Bank announces $12 billion plan for poor countries to buy Covid vaccines
- Half of rubber trade agrees new policies to cut deforestation and human rights abuses from supply chains
- Tesco to increase sales of meat alternatives by 300% to reduce environmental impact of products

Daily Media Briefing
September 22, 2020- Airbus unveils futuristic designs for zero-emission hydrogen planes
- General Electric will stop building coal-fired power plants
- Big businesses face mandatory digital modern slavery reporting
- Walmart aims to become a regenerative company
- Global banks seek to contain damage over $2 trillion of suspicious transfers

Daily Media Briefing
September 04, 2020- Biggest banks sustain coal financing despite defunding drive
- Apple commits to freedom of speech after criticism of China censorship
- German parliament launches inquiry into fraud scandal at Wirecard, with government in crosshairs
- HS2 rail project work begins with pledge of 22,000 jobs
- 'War on plastic' could strand oil industry's £300bn investment

Tech giants pledge millions to BLM movement in push for racial equity
August 20, 2020 Tech companies have begun to take a public stance on racial injustice, making pledges and taking action in an acknowledgement of how tech products and services can deepen racial divides. Read more >
Daily Briefing
August 17, 2020- Selfridges unveils vision to 'reinvent retail' as it commits to new sourcing standards
- Makers of M&S sandwiches faced pay dock if they self-isolated, says union
- Just Eat to stop using gig economy workers
- Tree planting can help tropical forests ‘recover 50% faster’ from logging
- National Grid kick-starts UK's first trials of grid-injected biomethane from cow manure

Daily Briefing
August 12, 2020- Sustainable investment funds just surpassed $1 trillion for the first time on record
- New rules may force online political adverts in UK to carry labels
- Apple imported clothes from Xinjiang firm facing US forced labour sanctions
- New platform to help corporates forge circular economy partnerships
- Brand leaders have a duty to pay a premium for sustainability to improve industry, says L'Oréal supply chain chief

Daily Briefing
August 11, 2020- Garment workers seen losing up to $5.8 bln in wages during coronavirus
- Oil spill threatens ecological disaster as Mauritius declares emergency
- Big U.S. companies form group to boost hiring of minorities in New York
- HelloFresh to offset entire carbon footprint
- Diageo toasts halving of greenhouse gas emissions

Daily Briefing
August 10, 2020- U.N. hails 'historic' milestone in global drive to end child labour
- EU, Switzerland to link emissions trading platforms from September
- An opportunity to bring about a better future': Top economists call for the end of the carbon economy
- After ditching Boohoo, ASOS sets new sustainability and ethics requirements for brands
- Green groups in Singapore call for fairer treatment of migrant workers

Daily Media Briefing
August 04, 2020- Google owner issues largest corporate sustainability bond in history
- Vodafone and Defra launch IoT tree monitoring system to inform climate policy
- Bangladesh may ditch 90% of its planned coal power
- Migrant workers on farms across Canada are being told they can’t leave, raising human rights concerns
- KLM's biofuel advertisements were greenwashing, regulator rules