Results for Employees

Daily Media Briefing
May 30, 2018- Starbucks closes 8,000 stores in US for racial-bias training
- RBS cuts lending to new coal and Arctic oil projects
- Ben & Jerry’s blockchain pilot allows customers to buy carbon-offset ice cream
- China’s carbon emissions set for fastest growth in seven years
- Dutch government appeals against court ruling over emissions cuts

Daily Media Briefing
May 29, 2018- Leading copper producer pushes for gender diversity - with all-male board
- World’s largest insurers stalling on UN climate challenges
- European Commission moves to ban single-use plastics
- Renewables not to blame for rising power costs: ACCC boss
- De Beers to sell diamonds made in a lab

Daily Media Briefing
May 22, 2018- US top court backs companies over worker class-action claims
- BHP Billiton to be sued by investors over dam collapse that caused Brazil's worst ever environmental disaster
- Google quietly removes "Don't be evil" preface from code of conduct
- Airbnb partners with union to promote ethical labour standards in Australia
- First European trial for innovative carbon capture project

Daily Media Briefing
May 16, 2018- Kellogg latest company to pull out of Venezuela
- Carillion bosses drove construction firm off a cliff, say MPs
- Amazon to open checkout-free stores in Chicago and San Francisco
- Report: WWF argues the UK does not need to turn to gas
- Report: 24 million jobs to open up by 2030 to support greener economy

Daily Media Briefing
May 14, 2018- Google employees resign over controversial Pentagon drone AI project
- HSBC says trade deal shows blockchain to be viable for trade finance
- Tesco cuts operational emissions by 13 percent in one year
- Costa Rica to become the world’s first zero-carbon country, vows president
- Telstra refuses to rule out using Chinese company ZTE, amid claims of corruption

Daily Media Briefing
May 11, 2018- Apple backs Alcoa, Rio Tinto to develop carbon-free metal making
- Novartis admits $1.2 million in payments to Trump lawyer
- London mayor to ban junk food ads on tubes and buses
- China’s environment watchdog targets waste as pollution battle escalates
- India offers garment workers counselling after spate of deaths

Daily Media Briefing
May 01, 2018- Report: All countries in the Paris Agreement now have policies to fight climate change
- Unions at Disneyland, California push for vote on living wage
- Tetra Pak to develop paper straws for drinks cartons
- Australia pledges largest single investment to save Great Barrier Reef
- Venezuela stops paying $1 billion debt to Canadian gold miner

Tackling modern slavery: Working with the hotel industry
April 26, 2018 As an industry where modern slavery is highly prevalent, Sian Lea discusses the role the hotel industry must play in tackling the human rights abuses that exist within their complex and multi-tiered supply chains. Read more >
Key takeaways from JUST Capital’s rankings on corporate tax reform
April 26, 2018 Rob Du Boff explains the findings of JUST Capital’s rankings on the controversial US corporate tax reform. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
April 18, 2018- Starbucks to close all US stores for one-day racial bias training
- UK to become first developed economy to examine Paris Agreement commitments
- BP’s low carbon plan dismissed by environmentalists as “greenwash”
- China’s Sina Weibo reverses ban on LGBT content after outcry from users
- Accounting for Sustainability Project launches guide to encourage integration of sustainability into strategy