Results for Reporting

Daily Media Briefing
January 06, 2016- Singapore Exchange publishes proposed ‘comply or explain’ sustainability reporting guidelines
- Vigeo and EIRIS become Vigeo Eiris
- “Happy Manipulating”: Takata emails show brash exchanges about data tampering
- Trees can help UK farming cut emissions, says study

The why of sustainability reporting
December 16, 2015 CSR is no longer a tagline: Garrett Weiner gives a perspective on sustainability reporting trends from Singapore. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
December 04, 2015- UNEP to Companies: Raise the bar on sustainability reporting
- McDonald's faces European tax probe
- Fossil fuel companies could face fines for causing climate change, warns Hermes
- Report reveals America’s most vulnerable states are not prepared for climate change
- Google and FAO partnership creates technology to help countries tackle climate change

Daily Media Briefing
November 06, 2015- GRI to review sustainability reporting guidelines
- Report: Gender pay gap is highest for married women
- Exxon Mobil investigated for possible climate change lies by New York attorney general
- Price collusion scandal may see CMPC removed from new DJSI Chile
- H&M joins Ellen MacArthur Foundation to 'revolutionise' clothing fibre recycling

Daily Media Briefing
July 31, 2015- Proposed US legislation mandates corporate disclosure on trafficking and slavery risks
- Co-operative Bank upholds ‘Beyond Carbon Neutral’ commitment
- Virgin Media announces Digital for Good sustainability strategy
- Online tool provides ESG benchmark for SMEs
- UK Football League launches carbon-saving car share initiative

Daily Media Briefing
July 23, 2015- World mayors warn of threats to mankind, commit to UN development goals
- Investors back campaign for more transparency in the pharmaceuticals industry
- Hong Kong companies far behind global peers in carbon reporting
- New York state to raise fast food minimum wages
- UAE drops fuel subsidies to boost finances and cut emissions

Sustainability Reporting: From Routine to Strategic
July 02, 2015 Nana Guar explores why and how some companies are moving away from the status quo of tried-and-tested technical reports to using reporting as a strategic means of connecting with audiences. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
July 01, 2015- Unilever releases first-of-its-kind Human Rights Report
- Report: Local management is key to expanding volunteering programmes globally
- China to cap rising emissions by 2030 in boost to Paris UN deal
- US and Brazil set energy goals
- Millions have gained access to safe drinking water in last 25 years

Daily Media Briefing
June 29, 2015- Survey reveals UK businesses are facing a "sustainability crunch"
- ActionAid: Malawi lost $43 million to Paladin due to “complex corporate structures”
- EU-China pact set to call for ambitious Paris climate deal, say reports
- Sustainable stock exchange ranking reveals impacts of regulation
- Unilever launches global crowdsourcing campaign for sustainable innovation

Daily Media Briefing
June 25, 2015- Dutch government ordered to cut carbon emissions in landmark ruling
- Climate change should be top foreign policy priority, G7 study says
- “Set target” for integrated sustainability reporting by business – UN told
- Report: Credit agencies are ignoring climate risk
- UK Green Investment Bank to be part-privatised