Results for Policy & Research

Daily Media Briefing
July 07, 2014- Report: UK climate change policies have not harmed economy
- World Bank email leaks reveal internal row over 'light touch' $50bn loans
- Ikea bumps up minimum wage for US workers
- M&S and Sainsbury's unite to increase plastic tray recycling
- Insurers to cover withdrawal of solar and wind subsidies

Tax: they said it couldn’t be done
July 04, 2014 Real transparency about tax payments at a country-by-country level just took a big step forward, says Mike Tuffrey. Read more >
The GMO dilemma
July 04, 2014 Nick Jackson calls on bold companies to help tackle the controversies around genetic modification. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
June 25, 2014- Minister warns UK retailers to do more on human rights and ethical products
- Living wage commission rejects calls for pay legislation
- Defra to fund Coca-Cola, Tesco, Nestlé to boost recycling of Aluminium packaging
- Food and drink firms told to intensify efforts to combat 'untouched' food waste
- New green lease guidelines focus on people

Daily Media Briefing
June 19, 2014- Germany’s minimum wage threatens to shake up ‘generation intern’
- Low-carbon transport report highlights importance of biofuels
- Fashion brands empowering women in developing countries
- ‘Global vision’ launched to make paper industry more sustainable
- British chemical company executives guilty of paying bribes to sell toxic additive to Indonesia

Daily Media Briefing
June 13, 2014- Tesla Motors to “open source” patents to spur electric car development
- Food and biofuels likely to be hit by rising water risks to corn supplies
- Business Council push to cut Australian renewable energy target
- Mega-events may get less ambitious as Brazil counts World Cup costs
- Malaysian exchange to introduce FTSE4Good index

Daily Media Briefing
June 11, 2014- Ford and Heinz collaborate on ‘Tom-auto’-based materials
- Asian slave labour producing prawns for supermarkets
- Campaigners call on Apple to remove hazardous chemicals from factories
- UK oil firm pulls out of Africa’s oldest national park
- ‘Living roofs’ help build resilience to changing climates

Daily Media Briefing
June 10, 2014- UN warns of new era of soaring resource costs
- Oil industry seeks to influence EU extractive rules through US backdoor
- Largest poll of football fans reveals message on human rights
- US billionaire Tom Steyer launches new fund to help victims of climate change
- Fish stocks depleted in tropics as poorer nations feed themselves