Results for Reporting

Daily Media Briefing
April 09, 2014- Big investors seek global standard for sustainability reporting
- Global organisations sign up to international water stewardship standard
- Procter & Gamble bows to pressure on palm oil deforestation
- Investors increasingly using shareholder power to create change
- By-product of coffee production turned into gluten-free 'coffee flour'

Sustainability strategies and communication: Looking back is not enough…
March 31, 2014 Rupali Patni looks at the state of sustainability reporting in 2014, and argues that companies often still have too little ambition when it comes to talking about the future. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
February 26, 2014- Credit Suisse ‘aided’ US tax evaders
- Ikea subsidiary loses forestry accreditation over harvesting of wildlife habitats
- Confidential papers raise fears over conflict gold
- Japan retains role for nuclear in new energy strategy
- New standards urge financial sector to address sustainability issues

Daily Media Briefing
January 29, 2014- UK rivals to follow Tesco in revealing amount of food wasted
- Corporations trump citizens in struggle for natural resources in Africa
- Tata creates “solar panelled forest” to promote renewable energy
- US solar industry expands
- Obama promises action on equality

Daily Media Briefing 18th December
December 18, 2013 L’Occitane joins Business Call to Action focussing on shea butter production; EU edges forward with plans for green corporate reporting rules; Solution to China air pollution is more dirty coal at power plants; 91% of Americans say companies should implement more sustainability practices Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 13th December
December 13, 2013 Prince of Wales launches CFO sustainability network; Fuel efficiency reaches record high in the US; Less than 10 percent of Hong Kong’s listed companies reporting on carbon; Companies in Middle East must put human rights above the bottom line; UK gender pay gap widens Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 10th December
December 10, 2013 Chinese NGOs blame brands for ignoring supply chain solutions; Corporate sustainability reports published by 93% of world’s largest companies; Sustainable food certification in the US gets ‘REAL’; UK Power stations switching to wood; National Trust given triple go-ahead for renewables project Read more >
GRI G4 and materiality assessment six months on: Where now for your sustainability report?
December 03, 2013 Ian Buckland asks what has changed – and what still needs to – since the introduction of the latest GRI guidelines on sustainability reporting. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 29th October
October 29, 2013 Report: Climate change poses a significant risk to pension funds; European environment ministers call for EU to adopt ambitious climate goals; Ethiopia launches Africa’s largest wind farm; Leo Pharma to share clinical trial data; Business leaders to UK PM: Cutting environmental regulations is “shortsighted” Read more >