Results for Policy & Research

Sir Ronnie to the rescue

Sir Ronnie to the rescue

February 01, 1997 Will the Hampel committee on corporate governance break new ground in the debate about to whom companies are accountable and for what? Read more >
Lifelong learning for all

Lifelong learning for all

February 01, 1997 Efforts continue to achieve the vision of a learning society, with a major government white paper launched and proposals from the Labour opposition for a University for Industry. But with special help, those most in need will miss out. Read more >
Taking care of the carers

Taking care of the carers

February 01, 1997 Even as Opportunity 2000 celebrates five successful years, the scale of the task ahead looks daunting, but companies are increasingly recognising the benefits of caring for their staff who have caring responsibilities. Read more >
Small firms are big employers

Small firms are big employers

August 01, 1996 The third competitiveness white paper promises to simplify the muddle in support for SMEs which together still employ half the workers in Britain. Large companies, often keen to help, are left wondering who created the confusion in the first place. Read more >