Results for Policy & Research

Corporate citizens north of the border
August 01, 1999 The Queen's opening of the new Parliament in Edinburgh marked the assembly of a Scottish Parliament for the first time since 1707. Here John Griffiths looks for the signs that these constitutional changes have initiated a different type of corporate citizenship activity north of the border. Read more >
Off with their heads
August 01, 1999 The UK government has adopted the 'big bang' solution to improving performance among business-led training and enterprise councils - by unilaterally abolishing them. Now it is again asking business to be in the driving seat of the new structures. Read more >
Building capacity: companies and black communities
June 01, 1999 In the wake of the McPherson Report into the murder of Stephen Lawrence, Mark Blake and David Grayson argue that black-led voluntary organisations are central to combating discrimination and overcoming social exclusion. Here they challenge companies to get involved, calling for a twinning scheme to build the sector's capacity. Read more >
Evolution or revolution for training?
June 01, 1999 Britain's competitive position continues to be weakened by failure to up-skill the workforce. Now fundamental change is in prospect for TECs and the whole system of post school education and training. As existing agencies jockey for position, will business be genuinely involved? Read more >
Tax and giving: barriers to community involvement
April 01, 1999 The UK government is proposing to make in-kind giving by companies easier, but still the tax system is complicated, confusing and a considerable disincentive to greater involvement. So what should be done? Read more >
Tinkering with taxes, missing the point
April 01, 1999 Gordon Brown MP, presented his third substantive Budget speech on March 9, with the consequent Finance Bill now proceeding through Parliament. Along with it came the long awaited but ultimately disappointing review of charity taxation. Read more >
Trouble at school – send for the company
April 01, 1999 Getting business involved in education is back on the agenda - if indeed it ever went away. But politicians must understand why today's companies might want to get involved, otherwise they will fail. Read more >
Think national, relate regional, act local
April 01, 1999 The new regional development agencies took responsibility for regeneration outside London at the end of March. Now community relations needs a regional tier, as well as a national strategy and local implementation. Read more >
Can employers make the New Deal work?
February 01, 1999 New Deal, the cornerstone of the UK government's welfare reform, is approaching its first birthday. But few employers seem to be celebrating. Here John Griffiths shows how some large companies are using the scheme successfully and recommends action to take. Read more >