Results for Human Rights

Daily Media Briefing
April 15, 2014- China set to elevate environment over economy in new law
- Women make more rigorous supply chain auditors, study says
- Environmental activists being killed in increasing numbers
- Campaigners call for clarity in Green Bond Principles

Daily Media Briefing
April 01, 2014- Water shortages pose growing risk for American companies
- UN agency criticises Qatar over migrant workers' rights
- Unilever, Philips, 3M call for stronger energy-efficiency goals in Europe
- Norway leads EU renewable energy production; UK lags behind
- US companies stockpile nearly a trillion dollars offshore

Daily Media Briefing
March 27, 2014- UK ethical consumer market now worth £54 billion – up 12% in 2012
- India’s Congress party pledges jobs for low-caste workers
- GSK ‘public-private’ deal heralds revolution in search for new drug treatments
- UK announces competition inquiry into ‘Big Six’ energy firms
- Draft principles for sustainable beef production open for public comment

Daily Media Briefing 9th January
January 09, 2014 Cuts to ‘hidden’ sugar in food could halt obesity epidemic; McDonald’s makes sustainable beef move; China sets air pollution goals; Support for EU Commission’s waste prevention plan; H&M teams up with Civil Rights Defenders Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 13th December
December 13, 2013 Prince of Wales launches CFO sustainability network; Fuel efficiency reaches record high in the US; Less than 10 percent of Hong Kong’s listed companies reporting on carbon; Companies in Middle East must put human rights above the bottom line; UK gender pay gap widens Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 25th October
October 25, 2013 Investors warn fossil fuel industry to rethink future; Women gain as gender gap narrows; India blocking plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions; UK and US engineers to collaborate on global water issues; New toolkit puts economic value on ecosystems; UV powered path absorbs energy to give light Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 22nd October
October 22, 2013 Google to shield news organisations and human rights groups from cyber attacks; China steams at Starbucks coffee prices; CEO vows Co-op Bank will retain its ethical stance; Report: UK universities have £5.2 billion invested in fossil fuel industry; US NGO launches sustainable fisheries toolkit; Less CO2 per passenger by air than by car claims Virgin Atlantic Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 18th October
October 18, 2013 Global Slavery Index: 29 million people worldwide are in forced labour; US supermarkets failing to reduce HFCs; Survey: Commercial building energy efficiency in Asia increases by 10%; UK Government eyes “responsible” Arctic oil exploitation; Goldman Sachs instructed to turn over gender bias complaints in US lawsuit; UK Government: Employers should tackle stagnating wages Read more >
Daily Media Briefing 26th September
September 26, 2013 Abuse and exploitation of migrant workers preparing Qatar for the 2022 World Cup; Progress on gender equality at work is stalling; 40% of food produced in the US is never eaten; Electric vehicle usage could save London businesses £200 million; Scotland introduces energy-efficient buildings standards Read more >