Results for Human Rights

Daily Media Briefing
June 11, 2014- Ford and Heinz collaborate on ‘Tom-auto’-based materials
- Asian slave labour producing prawns for supermarkets
- Campaigners call on Apple to remove hazardous chemicals from factories
- UK oil firm pulls out of Africa’s oldest national park
- ‘Living roofs’ help build resilience to changing climates

Daily Media Briefing
June 10, 2014- UN warns of new era of soaring resource costs
- Oil industry seeks to influence EU extractive rules through US backdoor
- Largest poll of football fans reveals message on human rights
- US billionaire Tom Steyer launches new fund to help victims of climate change
- Fish stocks depleted in tropics as poorer nations feed themselves

Daily Media Briefing
June 06, 2014- New mutual fund backs companies led by women
- Coca-Cola replenishes 108.5 billion litres of water back to communities
- Vodafone reveals existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance
- Bangladeshi farmers caught in row over $600,000 GM aubergine trial
- The UPS Foundation donates $7.9 million to support diversity and economic empowerment

Filling global gaps in supply chain transparency
June 05, 2014 Sedex’s Mark Robertson says that making supply chain data more open will level the sustainability playing field for millions of small companies. Read more >
Football: it’s NOT just a game
June 05, 2014 Hugh Macpherson discusses the important role large scale sporting events like the World Cup play in highlighting social and environmental injustices around the world. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
June 04, 2014- Majority of Fortune 100 companies have policies on human trafficking and forced labour
- BT calls up wind farm savings with £440m investment
- UK to boost fracking, scrap zero-carbon homes
- London Stock Exchange joins UN sustainability initiative
- A chic idea for China’s green-minded set

Daily Media Briefing
May 20, 2014- Forced labour 'making $150 billion profit'
- Food groups under fire from Oxfam over carbon emissions
- World Cup 2014: Greenpeace investigation reveals sportswear 'toxic scandal'
- SEC and Thaipat Institute launch CSR indicators for Thai companies
- Credit Suisse pleads guilty in felony case
- UK Banking standards oversight body to be set up

Daily Media Briefing
May 14, 2014- 'Sustainable' companies using secretive tax havens, says Christian Aid
- Shock EU Google ruling raises data privacy issues
- Closed-loop upcycling: Starbucks now sourcing milk from coffee-fed cows
- US tobacco child labour: Children working on farms 'endangered' by exposure to nicotine

Whoa…there, CEO!
May 01, 2014 Nic Ricketts, of sustainable fashion start-up Multemyr, says that even when your goal is to overturn business as usual, you still have to take things one step at a time. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
April 30, 2014- FTSE joins Blackrock to help investors avoid fossil fuels
- Nigerian community takes Shell to court over oil spills
- Global collaboration to accelerate supply chain innovation
- Are lab-grown gems the key to a sustainable diamond trade?
- US Justices back rule limiting coal pollution