Regeneration (Issue 99)

June 10, 2008


Briefing Comment

Money is key to changing peoples’ lives – “It’s the economy stupid” is not a bad mission statement for community relations professionals in companies.

Credit where it is due: the New Economics Foundation is nothing if not consistent in banging the drum for local economic regeneration. “It’s the economy,stupid!” famously got Clinton elected (Bill, that is; Hilary has her own problems). And it’s not a bad mission statement for community relations professionals in companies. If you really want to make a difference to people’s lives, putting money in their pockets is the best place
to start.

Curious then, that so few corporate community investment programmes these days address enterprise as a distinct theme, still less a core purpose. Progressively over the last decade or more, the emphasis has moved to education or environment or general charitable support, unlike the 1980s, when every self-respecting company was sponsoring enterprise agencies with cash, secondees and direct links into the
business. These days companies are encouraged to get involved in New Deal for Communities and now Local Strategic Partnerships, but few do and anyway the results are pretty variable, as the evaluation is starting to show.

That said, perhaps the times they are a-changing: the dreaded R-word, recession, fills the headlines, though too soon yet to see a rise in unemployment, while the pundits talk of a change of government. In fact we are still some way short of either happening. It’s timely, nonetheless, for the Conservatives to be reviewing the regional development agencies and the small business support arrangements. Expect to see more as the months go by, even if the ideas in this review won’t get the pulses racing either in think tanks like NEF or on the streets of depressed inner city areas.

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Contact The Joseph Rowntree Foundation 01904 629241

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Contact Social Finance Ltd 0207 182 7878