Respecting the indirect workforce

February 11, 2008

The private sector must remember that employees within the supply chain also have rights that must be upheld.

In any discussion of workplace diversity, it is important to consider the wider implications of the issues and look beyond an organisation’s direct workforce to the people who are indirectly employed in the supply chain. However, this does add an extra layer of complexity to the nature of a company’s responsibilities and increases the chances of getting things wrong.

For example, we would all agree that prison labour is something that should be avoided at all costs. While this is undoubtedly true in cases of forced labour, there are some instances where it might be acceptable. In France for example, the practice of encouraging in-mates to engage in paid employment for commercial organisations is seen as an important part of rehabilitation, providing an opportunity to learn new skills. What is key is that there is no coercion on the part of the authorities for prisoners to undertake such work.

The fact that there are “grey areas” and certain working practices allow some room for interpretation should not deflect a company from respecting the human rights of all those involved in the supply chain. These are clearly articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and supported by many of the ILO Conventions.

As the news stories reported in this section attest, some companies are taking action. However, the over-riding message is that more needs to be done to address the complexities of employee rights in the supply chain.

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