News: community involvement Dec 2000

December 01, 2000

Third CCI Index cycle

The ProbusBNW CCI Index, published in November, assesses companies’ approaches to corporate community involvement against each other and against current good practice. Eleven companies have participated so far in the latest cycle. Camelot performed strongly, notably for involving its 800-plus employees; they can take a week’s fully paid leave each year to volunteer, and have together raised over £2 million for charities since Camelot’s CCI programme was launched in 1997. Asda, Barclays and Marks & Spencer were also highly rated for different aspects of their CCI programmes. Contact Alastair Bruce, ProbusBNW, on 020 7620 1113 (

n Publicity campaign to promote giving

A new website is available to help companies and individuals act on the government’s campaign to encourage charitable giving, underway since October 3. Designed by CAF, it allows businesses to search a database of charities, get advice on the tax and other implications of giving, and identify potential organisations to support.

On November 21, the government announced £1 million in support of a national publicity drive to promote giving under a new brand, led by Oxfam chairman, Joel Joffe. CAF and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations have already raised £250,000 to kick start the campaign. Mailings to target groups such as businesses and young people are planned for spring 2001. Contact Wendy Green, CAF, on 01732 520 120 (

Charity Donors’ Rights Charter

The Institute of Charity Fundraising Managers has issued a Charity Donors’ Rights Charter and complaints procedure to protect the interests of donors, including companies. Among other rights the Charter aims to ensure the gift will only be used for the intended purpose and the donor’s right to privacy will be respected. Where a donor ‘s concerns cannot be resolved, ICFM will act as intermediary, where necessary referring the complaint to the regulator. Contact ICFM on 020 7740 8995 (

Pass Go; collect £50,000

UBS Warburg challenged nine London fund management firms on November 2 to invest £50,000 to maximum effect for charity over a twelve month period. Contenders include Baillie Gifford, Henderson, Invesco, M&G, Morley, Singer & Friendland and Threadneedle. Each donated £10,000 to the homeless charity, Crisis, at the beginning of the competition, and will donate all the investment profits at the end. Contact Nick Wright, UBS Warburg, on 020 7568 2365 (

Levi’s supports matching service

Levi Strauss is helping the Charities Aid Foundation to respond to increasing demands for companies and charities to find suitable partners through a new Internet matching service. Corporate Appeals Response Online (CARO) provides ‘giving web-pages’ tailored to the branding aims and values of individual companies which charities can view to see if they fit the funding criteria, applying online. The service was launched on October 9 with a contribution of $950,000 from Levi Strauss. Contact Judith McQuillan, CAF, on 020 7400 2300 (

Bank lends money

The Bank of Scotland is supporting the CAF initiative, Investors in Society, with a £500,000 interest-free loan. Announced on October 9, the aim is to help not-for-profits access new sources of funding through low-cost loans not obtainable under normal commercial terms. Contact Alastair Ross, Bank of Scotland, on 0131 243 7055 (

Regular product donations encouraged

Kraft Foods has committed to donate a pallet of coffee and one of custard every three months to the charity, GroceryAid, which distributes products to over 380 charities helping people in need around the UK. Announced on October 23, the first lorry loads were delivered in time for Christmas. Contact Jane Whitely, Institute of Grocery Distribution, on 01923 851 917 (

news in brief

• Edinburgh’s famous Hogmanay celebrations will become The Royal Bank Street Party, after The Royal Bank of Scotland announced on October 20 that it will sponsor the event with £300,000 over three years. Contact Judith Murray, RBS, on 0131 523 4504 (

• The water company, Severn Trent, won the PR Week Award 2000 for corporate community involvement, with the winning campaign featuring its environmental commitment to bio-diversity. The Avon Crusade against Breast Cancer was runner up. Contact Samantha Cohen, Severn Trent, on 0774 700 8367 (

Corporate Citizenship Briefing, issue no: 55 – December, 2000