Results for Technology & Innovation

Daily Media Briefing
December 01, 2014- Record temperatures raise pressure on UN climate talks
- Sedex launches new ethical audit system that puts workers at centre stage
- E.ON plans to quit oil and gas and focus on renewable energy
- UK’s Phone Coop invests in another social enterprise
- Norway to invest in green technology, despite losses

Daily Media Briefing
November 28, 2014- Patagonia joins forces with Yerdle to launch Black Friday clothing swap
- Top investors warn of revolt over new BG Group chief’s pay deal
- China takes 'zero tolerance' approach to regional polluters
- UK power companies hit with penalties over vulnerable customers
- Digital Green use cameras to train rural Indian women in innovative farming

Daily Media Briefing
November 27, 2014- Report: Food firms 'cannot expect consumers to pay premium for high sustainability standards'
- Indian government to crack down on promotion of CSR activities by tobacco companies
- Foster + Partners collaborate with Skanska to pioneer 3D printing concrete buildings
- Ikea pledges 100% certified sustainable palm oil
- Best Buy accused by Greenpeace of destroying ancient Canadian forest

Daily Media Briefing
November 26, 2014- Report signals drop in imports of illegal timber
- World's largest motorcycle manufacturer opens ‘garden factory’ in India
- Sony decides not to renew FIFA sponsorship contract due to bribery allegations
- AkzoNobel and partners considering sugar beets as renewable chemical feedstock
- Obama to unveil new limits on smog pollution

Daily Media Briefing
November 21, 2014- General Mills CEO says water is critical to business
- Students take Harvard to court over fossil fuel divestment
- China’s energy plan reduces reliance on coal
- Cable & Wireless helped Britain spy on the world, says report
- First UK bus journey powered entirely by human waste

Daily Media Briefing
November 12, 2014- China and US strike deal on carbon cuts in push for global climate pact
- HP reinforces protection of foreign migrant workers
- Ford to debut wind and solar powered dealers
- UK government promotes circular economy with new waste assessment tool
- Regulators slap $3.2bn fines on five banks in global forex probe

Daily Media Briefing
November 10, 2014- Unilever promotes sustainable living to combat food waste and food poverty
- BMW develops street lights with electric car-charging sockets
- US turns up heat with criminal investigation into Petrobras
- Mercedes leads EU's fuel economy 'cheaters', says report
- Green energy 'creates more jobs than fossil fuels', study says

Daily Media Briefing
November 06, 2014- Hundreds of companies accused of secret Luxembourg tax deals
- Water shortage threatens growth for world's biggest firms
- Levi’s launches cheap financing for more ethical factories
- UK Businesses handed £14m to develop carbon-cutting products
- Official figures show outstanding October for UK wind energy

Daily Media Briefing
October 28, 2014- US banks vow not to fund Great Barrier Reef coal port, say activists
- M&S unveils sustainable alternative to wire clips
- Report: Supermarket survival comes at the expense of human rights
- Boston Consulting Group study reports modest increase in US reshoring interest