Results for Sustainable Investment

Emerging markets show potential for SRI
November 28, 2006 Globalisation seems to be encouraging emerging markets to practice responsible investment, the benefits of which will be widely felt. Read more >
Taking action on climate change
November 06, 2006 The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change October statement signals a willingness to strengthen the focus on climate change in the investment processes and to actively engage with companies and governments, argue Insight Investment's Rory Sullivan and the IGCC's Stephanie Pfeifer. Read more >
Investors news briefs – June/July 2006
July 20, 2006 Social and environmental shareholder resolutions are rising steadily in the US, and institutional investors are calling for the SEC to make disclosure on climate change risks mandatory for companies. Read more >
Investors round-up: issue 87
May 18, 2006 SRI heads for the mainstream as investors worth over $2 trillion sign up to the UN's Principles for Responsible Investment. Good news for shareholders and society, as new research from SAM indicates a correlation between CSR management and the creation of value. Read more >
Ethical investment enters the mainstream
May 18, 2006 The Corporate Citizenship Company's Michelle Dow reports on how the US' largest pension fund and biggest companies are changing the debate on sustainability and the private sector. Read more >
Investors round-up issue 86
May 16, 2006 30 UK companies are included in this year's Global Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Listing and Dow Jones has introduced two new sustainability indexes. Elsewhere, the Norwegian government has sold its stake in BAE Systems and six other global arms manufacturers. Read more >
The way the money grows
March 16, 2006 The majority of banks financing policies do not uphold environmental and social standards developed by UN bodies and other international bodies, finds a new study from campaign groups WWF and Banktrack. Read more >
Into Africa
January 01, 2006 There are many compelling reasons for doing business in Africa, but there are many factors for companies to consider if they, and Africa citizens, are to derive maximum benefit. Read more >
Microfinance gains momentum
January 01, 2006 Micro finance is coming of age and with its success comes important lessons. Consumer goods companies are making their products more accessible by the potential three billion who survive on under two dollars a day. However, as micro-finance has found, stripping costs from the distribution process is the key.. Read more >