Results for Speaking Out

Sarah Portway: call to professionals
February 01, 1999 After ten years in corporate life, Kimberly-Clark's former communications director sets CCI practitioners a challenge. Read more >
Preventing abuse, saving money
December 01, 1998 The effects of social breakdown are increasingly felt by companies, with the cost of crime an obvious example. But now alcohol abuse is a factor in a quarter of workplace accidents, while drug abuse affects a fifth of businesses. It is time for preventative action. Read more >
Breaking the glass ceiling
November 16, 1998 When companies recognise the problem, they cantake action to achieve a better gender balance in the workforce. Family-friendly policies work, but who should pay? Read more >
Code to counter ageism
October 01, 1998 Discrimination on grounds of age is rapidly joining the other 'isms' where employers are taking action. However the real reasons why age is too often a factor in choosing employees are often financial, not prejudice. Read more >
Enterprising solutions in the regions
October 01, 1998 TECs, chambers of commerce and Business Links have been trying to improve their support services for small firms locally. Now a government review is underway. It's time for business to insist on a regional solution. Read more >
New rights for disabled people
August 01, 1998 Companies have been slow to address the extra needs of people with a disability, whether in business operations or in community projects. Now they must act, or face the threat of legal action. Read more >
The ‘good management’ index shows results
August 01, 1998 A year ago in Issue 33, Alastair Bruce described a new best practice model, to compare performance and improve management of corporate community involvement. Here he sets out the results from a group of leading companies. Read more >
Housing the homeless
August 01, 1998 As the plight of the homeless receives new attention, a group of companies have formed an initiative to act. But will it tackle the root causes of the problem? Read more >
Engaging staff productively
April 01, 1998 As competitive pressures mount, companies need productive workers. New research shows that employee community involvement can help. Read more >