Results for Speaking Out

Solid foundations for business investment in the community
February 01, 2000 Gaynor Humphreys from the Association of Community Trusts and Foundations gives examples of how its members are working effectively with companies and argues they offer a practical way forward for corporate responsibility at local level. Read more >
Stephen Byers: Increasing Britain’s competitiveness
December 01, 1999 With the DTI now given responsibility for policy on the 'new vision' for business, here the secretary of state says why corporate responsibility matters. Read more >
Millennium blues: a corporate hangover in prospect
December 01, 1999 Millenium hype is going into overdrive. While some companies have resisted all the blandishments to get involved, others have committed very significant budgets. Who is doing what and will they benefit? Peter Truesdale investigates. Read more >
Time to give more help to volunteers
October 01, 1999 The UK government is backing another big national push to get more people to volunteer, while the private sector tries to fund the local infrastructure which makes this possible. Read more >
Risk and rewards for good citizens
October 01, 1999 The mainstreaming of corporate responsibility gathers pace, with new Stock Exchange requirements to manage ‘social risk’ and growing evidence that getting it right pays dividends. Read more >
Caring and winning – the future of successful cause-related marketing
October 01, 1999 David Grayson warns that cause-related marketing must evolve into a coherent part of wider corporate community involvement, or companies will face growing criticism from sceptics in the media. Read more >
Brian Wright: Business in 2000
October 01, 1999 London Enterprise Agency celebrated its 20th anniversary in October by holding a conference looking forward to the year 2010. Here, LEntA's chief executive reviews the discussion and looks back at LEntA's progress over the past 20 years. Read more >
Commerce in the classroom
October 01, 1999 Signs of a growing backlash against commercial exploitation of education mean companies must be clear why they are getting involved in schools and who really benefits. Read more >
Overcoming discrimination at work and in society
June 01, 1999 Stephen Lawrence's death and the eventual independent inquiry has placed the issues of institutional racism on the national agenda as never before. How should community affairs managers respond? Read more >