Results for Speaking Out

Employment: secure future?
October 01, 2001 Current trends will push pensions up the socially responsible company’s agenda Read more >
Value of ethical consumerism
October 01, 2001 As consumers become more influenced by the social impact of the products, and the companies from which, they buy, Sue Adkins details how cause related marketing campaigns have proven business and social benefits. Read more >
Employment: Promoting skills through volunteering
August 01, 2001 Fewer and fewer people volunteer, as work pressures grow and hours get longer. Yet employers say it’s a great way to learn skills. So can busy staff really get time for the community? Apparently, yes. Read more >
Work-life balance: Benefiting from inclusive workplaces
June 01, 2001 Evidence mounts of the damage done to companies, employees and their families by long hours and inflexible working practices. So why is change proving slow? Read more >
Chris Staples: Not another partnership!
June 01, 2001 The word 'partnership' was used 6,197 times in the UK Parliament in 1999, up from 38 times in 1989, Demos reported recently. 'Let's be clear what it actually means', says Zurich Financial Services' community affairs director. Read more >
Tackling the skills gap
April 01, 2001 Despite years of effort on training, skill shortages are holding major industries back. Now companies are being forced to act themselves. Read more >
From strength to strength
February 01, 2001 Corporate contributions to the arts in the UK continue their year-on-year growth, despite continuing worries about lack of relevance to social concerns. Read more >
Bringing the arts to work
February 01, 2001 Business investment in the arts has reached a record high in the UK, and tax law changes will make it yet more attractive. Colin Tweedy, chief executive of Arts & Business, which promotes business/arts partnerships, looks at developments linking creativity to business strategy. Read more >
Bill Cockburn: making an impact
December 01, 2000 BT’s UK managing director says the Business Impact Task Force report, published in November at the CBI conference, marks a milestone in corporate social responsibility in the UK – and he wants every company, small or large, now to respond by taking action. Read more >