Results for Speaking Out

Mike McCann – advancing enterprise
March 01, 2004 Entrepreneurship is rightly recognised as a vital factor in the future of UK competitiveness. To build an enterprise culture, it will require schools and businesses to get involved - preferably together. Read more >
Learning the lessons of the future
March 01, 2004 An educated, well equipped workforce is clearly in the interests for business. But it requires companies to bring their energy to the table if today’s young people are to contribute to an equal, prosperous future, argues WH Smith’s chairman. Read more >
Skills: responsible outsourcing – an oxymoron?
March 01, 2004 As companies directly employ fewer and fewer people in low skills, low wage jobs, can responsible business respond to the economic logic of cost saving while keeping its principles intact? Read more >
January 01, 2004 Twenty years on from the AIDS killer becoming understood, we still seem to be debating what to do. The human consequences of inaction are more dreadful than ever. Read more >
Volunteering: Think global, act local
January 01, 2004 The role played by employee volunteering as part of wider community engagement is growing strongly, both in the UK and around the world. But it's culturally associated with American companies, so some caution is needed. Read more >
Net gains: producer responsibilities in a digital world
November 01, 2003 Today's digital society of ebanking and mobile phones finds consumers more empowered than ever before. Does this reduce businesses' responsibility for the impact of their products? Not if the sustainable potential of these new technologies is ever going to be recognised, Vidhya Alakeson argues. Read more >

Guest editorial: Tomorrow’s companies of choice
September 01, 2003 In today’s crowded marketplace, consumers are increasingly looking for companies that will help - not hinder - their ability to make choices. The door for good corporate citizenship has never been more open, Michael Willmott and William Nelson argue. Read more >
Ellen West: across the pond (part two)
September 01, 2003 CSR has taken off in Europe, but the corporate responsibility movement is finding the U.S. a tougher nut to crack. In her first article for Briefing, Ellen West laid out reasons for this apparent stalemate. Here, she provides a checklist dealing with U.S. differences and breaking the transatlantic deadlock. Read more >