Results for Speaking Out

Disappearing Shareholders
March 01, 2005 Shareholders in public companies are losing their grip on companies, as more and more of the economy is gobbled up by private equity investors, accountable to few. Roger Cowe argues it's time for socially responsible private equity. Read more >
Business Accountability
March 01, 2005 The new chair of BITC argues the great businesses of the 21st century will not only be the most responsible and transparent, but also the most accountable. Read more >
2005: British volunteering
August 01, 2004 CSV's Dame Elisabeth Hoodless argues that the British Year of Volunteering in 2005 presents the perfect opportunity for companies to maximise the benefits that volunteering has to offer Read more >
Investors: it’s the money, stupid!
August 01, 2004 Evidence is growing that the City is taking CSR seriously - not because it is concerned about social responsibility, but because it makes business sense. Read more >
Partnerships and community development
May 01, 2004 Rory Sullivan & Michael Warner set out how partnerships, under the right conditions, represent an important and viable alternative to traditional corporate approaches to community development. Briefing readers qualify for a 10% discount - visit Read more >
Uncovered: the government’s health and safety strategy
May 01, 2004 The government's new workplace health and safety strategy is strangely familiar: set out the business case, provide best practice case studies, and benchmark to judge performance. CSR managers should feel right at home, Michelle Dow argues. Read more >
Employment: up the workers!
May 01, 2004 As the tide of individual CSR measures in the workplace grows by the day, are the voices of employees in danger of being drowned out? Read more >
Disability: the rights stuff
May 01, 2004 Moves to merge existing equal opportunity commissions may dilute a strong focus on disability. But companies and some campaigners support the plan, which raises questions also about what human rights really mean in the corporate context. Read more >