Results for Policy & Research

An opportunity for all?
January 01, 2006 Gordon Brown is still tinkering with small schemes that make an incremental difference. The new youth volunteering scheme is similar to previous initiatives and there is a long way to go before the £50m target in new private money is achieved. Read more >
Prove us wrong
November 01, 2005 Deborah Doane argues the impending introduction of OFRs is unlikely to improve the reporting and management of businesses' social and environmental impacts. Read more >
Increasing poverty?
September 01, 2005 Traidcraft's Fiona Gooch calls on companies and governments to ensure the benefits of international trade are felt all the way through the supply chain. Read more >
Lobbying and transparency
September 01, 2005 Studies of lobbying confirm that pressure is mounting on companies that say one thing in CSR reports but do another behind closed doors. Read more >
Lobbying news round-up Aug/Sep 05
September 01, 2005 The starting point for managing responsible lobbying issues must be transparency: set out clear principles, publish specific policies around direct political donations, 'soft' money and trade association activity. Read more >
News round-up Jun/Jul 05
July 01, 2005 The UK government has unveiled detailed proposals on how legislation on smoke-free enclosed public places and workplaces would work. Meanwhile Elliot Morley has launched various measures designed to give communities a bigger role in tackling climate change, energy efficiency and recycling. Read more >
Labour’s fifth CSR minister
July 01, 2005 Mr Wicks is Labour's fifth CSR minister in four years. However this time CSR comes under the same brief as energy, sustainability, fuel poverty and nulclear security rather than social enterprise and small business policy. Read more >
Spot the CSR Minister
May 20, 2005 Following May's General Election, tracking down the new minister in charge of corporate social responsibility proved to be a somewhat frustrating task. Read more >
Priorities for the new parliament
April 01, 2005 Kicking off Briefing’s election edition, David Grayson calls for a profound cultural change in the next government and highlights some specific actions the next administration can take. Read more >