Results for Policy & Research

Daily Media Briefing
May 01, 2014- Report: US blue chips embracing environmental sustainability but step change needed
- 73% of UK businesses failing to keep tabs on energy costs
- Amazon offers low-paid staff up to £8,000 towards tuition fees
- AkzoNobel and shipping industry ditch barnacles for carbon credit scheme
- Mars sweetens its green appeal with major wind farm deal

The EU Directive for CR Reporting: A game changer or a hollow victory?
May 01, 2014 Nana Guar asks whether the EU’s new rules on non-financial reporting will lead to a step-change in sustainability, or just longer annual reports. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
April 30, 2014- FTSE joins Blackrock to help investors avoid fossil fuels
- Nigerian community takes Shell to court over oil spills
- Global collaboration to accelerate supply chain innovation
- Are lab-grown gems the key to a sustainable diamond trade?
- US Justices back rule limiting coal pollution

Daily Media Briefing
April 23, 2014- Senior executives call for 'urgent and immediate' action on climate change
- Study identifies how companies generate business value from product sustainability
- Plan to equip buses with F1 technology boosted by UK auto funding
- Canadian firm CarbonCure Technologies innovates concrete production with carbon capture
- Novelis introduces high-recycled content aluminium can

Daily Media Briefing
April 16, 2014- European Parliament passes “landmark” environmental and social reporting law
- Global auto industry accelerates action on conflict minerals
- U.S. greenhouse gas emissions fall 10% since 2005
- UK money transfer firms accused of excessive charges on Africa remittances

Daily Media Briefing
April 15, 2014- China set to elevate environment over economy in new law
- Women make more rigorous supply chain auditors, study says
- Environmental activists being killed in increasing numbers
- Campaigners call for clarity in Green Bond Principles

Daily Media Briefing
April 14, 2014- IPCC climate change report: averting catastrophe “will not cost the world”
- Coal will be a main energy source for decades, says Australian environment minister
- Investors predict executive pay protest against UK banks
- New scheme to help Singapore construction companies go green
- Business must 'ramp-up' understanding of built environment issues

Daily Media Briefing
April 04, 2014- Europe votes for clinical trial transparency
- Mozilla chief quits in gay marriage backlash
- European automakers join up on £31 million hydrogen fuel cell project
- BT debuts free online energy saving training tool
- EnviroFlight advancing sustainable seafood and reducing waste with fly larvae

Daily Media Briefing
March 25, 2014- EU puts first-ever seafood trade ban on illegal fishing nations
- Research finds link between language and corporate social responsibility
- Global councils join forces to tackle growing water-energy nexus issue
- Siemens wind farm factory promises 1,000 jobs in the UK
- Zero-hours contracts report: give workers fixed-hours employment after a year

Daily Media Briefing
March 20, 2014- Unilever issues first ever green sustainability bond
- Orange France investigates second wave of suicides among staff
- UK Budget 2014: “dirty business as usual” and social enterprise tax boost
- Singapore held up as “test bed” for sustainable innovation
- Greenhouse gas rise ‘will boost crop yield’