Results for Policy & Research

Daily Media Briefing
March 13, 2015- Employee innovations help ConAgra save $70 million
- Diesel 'demonisation' condemned by car industry group
- Experts call for smoking to be eliminated by 2040
- Opening up airspace could make sky the limit for African trade and tourism
- Momentum builds for Office for Resource Management creation

Daily Media Briefing
March 12, 2015- Fairtrade International seeking industry feedback on new textile labour standard
- UK Parliament backs plain cigarette packaging
- Fukushima Water: the fictitious energy drink goes on sale
- SunEdison to offer free solar installations to homeowners
- Mayor of London told to divest £4.8 billion pension fund from fossil fuels

Daily Media Briefing
March 10, 2015- WWF: Nature is the €300+ billion investment plan to kick-start Europe
- Trade deal must not allow companies to sue countries for green laws, say UK MPs
- Fairtrade calls on businesses to address gender equality in smallholder agriculture
- 3M and ForestEthics end multi-year conflict over paper sourcing policy
- Apple’s ResearchKit turns iPhone users into medical test subjects

The state we’re still in – can anything be done?
March 09, 2015 Mike Tuffrey worries that thoughtful business leaders will not get much airtime in the coming UK general election. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
March 03, 2015- Report: National Bank of Abu Dhabi says it’s time to invest in clean energy
- M&S debuts UK's largest rooftop solar array
- BAT draws up battle lines over UK cigarette packaging changes
- Starbucks starting new ‘social impact’ media company
- Report: Centre of Excellence needed to support UK remanufacturing

Daily Media Briefing
February 24, 2015- Budgeting for disaster: UK's economic priorities must change, says WWF
- Dow pilot program shows plastic waste can be turned into fuel
- UK watchdog clamps down on payday lenders
- Cambodia leader says work on mega-dam will not start until at least 2018
- EU wants Paris climate deal to cut carbon emissions 60% by 2050

Daily Media Briefing
February 17, 2015- Green Investment Bank launches £100m community renewables push
- DHL joins Circular Economy 100 to collaborate on reverse logistics
- Shareholders to Chevron: Bar All Political Contributions
- Biofuel from trash could create green jobs bonanza, says report
- Information black hole suppresses supply chain sustainability, says CDP

Daily Media Briefing
February 10, 2015- Activist groups challenging Signet to show its supply chain some love this Valentine’s Day
- Qualcomm to pay record $975 million in China antitrust case
- Cutting mining and aviation tax breaks could save Australian Government £2.65 billion a year
- Straw eco homes spark rush of interest from prospective buyers
- Report: Japanese automakers leading the world in developing low emissions models

Daily Media Briefing
February 09, 2015- Frankfurt and London top global cities sustainability index
- Unilever, P&G join closed loop fund to boost US municipal recycling
- HSBC bank 'helped clients dodge millions in tax'
- Protect human rights to safeguard forests, say campaigners
- Church of England may sell £3m stake in mining firm over fears for gorilla haven