Results for Human Rights

Daily Media Briefing
April 01, 2015- Developing countries close to leading in clean energy race
- New report analyses human rights conduct of UK companies, making recommendations for next government
- Accenture to equip 3 million with workplace and entrepreneurial skills by 2020
- Study connects employee productivity and well-being to office design
- Aldi commits to hazardous chemical detox

Daily Media Briefing
March 30, 2015- Study shows major companies use lobby groups to dilute EU climate policy
- Mexico first to unveil national strategy ahead of Paris climate talks
- Nestlé, SAB Miller increase revenue up to 20% with supply chain improvements
- Thai junta leader to fight forced labour in fish industry
- New social investment tax breaks could aid UK charities

Daily Media Briefing
March 27, 2015- Indonesia defends deforestation for palm oil on economic grounds
- New Freedom Seal to identify firms fighting human trafficking
- Google joins Microsoft, Apple, others in surveillance reform plea
- Hilton Worldwide celebrates its commitment to living sustainably with Earth Hour projects around the world
- Japan diverts climate change funds to finance coal plants in India and Bangladesh

Lawyers, CSR and the “debilitating context”
March 09, 2015 Lawyers are failing to see the bigger picture when it comes to business and human rights, argues Ruby Sandhu. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
February 09, 2015- Frankfurt and London top global cities sustainability index
- Unilever, P&G join closed loop fund to boost US municipal recycling
- HSBC bank 'helped clients dodge millions in tax'
- Protect human rights to safeguard forests, say campaigners
- Church of England may sell £3m stake in mining firm over fears for gorilla haven

Daily Media Briefing
January 29, 2015- CDP: US, Brazil, China and India least resilient against climate-related supply chain risks
- Human rights a path out of crisis and chaos, says Human Rights Watch world report
- IKEA sees sales of green products soar 58 per cent to over €1 billion
- Carlsberg working to develop biodegradable wood fibre bottle
- 14 outdoor companies pledge to boost women’s leadership

Daily Media Briefing
January 23, 2015- Economic inequality for women costs $9 trillion globally, study finds
- Climate change inaction pushes 'doomsday clock' closest to midnight since 1984
- Fossil fuel firms accused of renewable lobby takeover to push gas
- Private jet scandal gives Swedish giant rough ride
- Toyota’s fuel cell cars take off

Daily Media Briefing
January 13, 2015- South Korea launches world’s second largest carbon market
- Report: “Collaboration and board engagement is critical to sustainability success”
- Thailand to adopt fines and GPS to 'eradicate slave trade'
- Wikileaks for Africa’ launched by African media coalition
- New finance-charity hybrid aims to make affordable housing greener

Daily Media Briefing
January 07, 2015- China encourages environmental groups to sue polluters
- Amnesty and Oxfam welcome new controls on weapons companies
- Slide in commodity prices increases toll on Amazon rainforest
- Ford showcases latest “Smart Mobility” innovations at 2015 Consumer Electronics Show
- Shell agrees £55 million deal over Niger Delta oil spill

Daily Media Briefing
January 05, 2015- Death toll among Qatar’s 2022 World Cup workers revealed
- Four in five Americans favour companies with green behaviours
- Sainsbury's reaches sustainable palm oil benchmark
- Campaigners call on UK government to transform the financial system
- Global campaign aims to inspire British cities to choose 100% clean energy