Results for Governance

True accountability needs transparency
January 30, 2007 All sectors - whether governmental, voluntary or corporate - have a lot to learn about true accountability: they must acknowledge the need for transparency and they should make fighting corruption a priority. Read more >
Human rights news round-up issue 86
March 16, 2006 Among the stories covered, the UN Norms on Human Rights are a "distraction" which should be sidelined in efforts to develop a better framework of human rights responsibilities for business, says an interim report from UN Special Representative John Ruggie. Read more >
‘Recalibrating’ reporting requirements
January 02, 2006 Welcome to the wacky world of top level government decision-making, when careful deliberation since March 1998 by company law reform experts is torn up in a Friday afternoon brainstorm by speech writers and spin doctors. Read more >
Voluntarism in the spotlight:
January 01, 2006 By scrapping statutory operating and financial reviews, the government is hoping measures already in place will ensure responsible corporate governance. Read more >
Kingfisher: from charity towards social responsibility
November 03, 2005 An assessment of Kingfisher, one of Britain's leading retailers and the company behind such famous names as Woolworths, B&Q, Comet and Superdrug. Read more >
How are governments addressed in CSR reports?
November 01, 2005 Governments are rarely addressed in CSR reports and are generally the most neglected group of stakeholders, after the investors. However, governments are often the largest beneficiary of a company's economic activity. Read more >
Transparency news round-up (Oct/Nov)
November 01, 2005 Fewer than a quarter of companies in the oil, gas and defence sectors have declared policies on whistleblowing. Meanwhile Exxonmobil has received criticsim for overiding human rights in Chad and Cameroon. Read more >
News round-up (Jun/Jul)
July 01, 2005 Nike and other companies have joined forces with six leading anti-sweatshop groups to devise a single set of labour standards with a common factory inspection system. In addition, seven out of nine Chinese toy suppliers investigated in a recent report systematically cheat during social audits. Read more >
Introduction of the OFR
July 01, 2005 The introduction of the OFR has been announced by the government. It is likely it will will achieve a step change in the way most companies engage at the highest levels with these wider social, community and environmental issues that can impact long term shareholder value creation. Read more >