Results for Governance

Daily Media Briefing
December 03, 2014- Investor group launches first wide-scale business and human rights ranking project
- Businesses voice support for US Clean Power Plan
- Canada’s green energy sector now employs more than tar sands
- Trafigura first commodities trader to join extractives transparency drive
- Report: eating less meat is essential to curbing climate change

Daily Media Briefing
December 01, 2014- Record temperatures raise pressure on UN climate talks
- Sedex launches new ethical audit system that puts workers at centre stage
- E.ON plans to quit oil and gas and focus on renewable energy
- UK’s Phone Coop invests in another social enterprise
- Norway to invest in green technology, despite losses

Daily Media Briefing
November 28, 2014- Patagonia joins forces with Yerdle to launch Black Friday clothing swap
- Top investors warn of revolt over new BG Group chief’s pay deal
- China takes 'zero tolerance' approach to regional polluters
- UK power companies hit with penalties over vulnerable customers
- Digital Green use cameras to train rural Indian women in innovative farming

Daily Media Briefing
November 17, 2014- Chief Sustainability officers found to be increasingly prominent
- Pledges at G20 summit bring Green Climate Fund towards $10 billion UN goal
- Interpol launches environmental fugitives most-wanted list
- Pearson removes climate change denial from Texan school textbooks

Daily Media Briefing
November 11, 2014- Rich countries subsidising oil, gas and coal companies by $88bn a year
- Mismatch between boardroom skills and business challenges, says survey
- UK employers call for action on living standards and low pay
- Recent laws not tackling root cause of Southeast Asian haze
- WRAP reveals plan for next wave of retail waste reduction

The rise of the ‘see-through business’
November 07, 2014 Online people-power means an increasing number of businesses are seeing transparency as an opportunity, writes Andrew Cave. Read more >
Disclose or die
November 07, 2014 Years of effort to increase corporate reporting on sustainability is having little impact on global stock exchanges, despite reports showing growing demand from investors, says Mike Tuffrey. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
November 05, 2014- World’s top companies fall short on transparency
- Companies that care about climate change make more money
- Report sets goal of more women in boardrooms of FTSE 100 firms
- Companies can do more than Excel with CSR data
- Global study shows clean energy activity surges in developing world

Daily Media Briefing
October 23, 2014- European Commission urged to keep company "red tape" over human rights concerns
- UK CEOs set out vision for controlling rising energy bills
- Indonesian law could bar palm oil companies from protecting forests
- New report ranks US insurance companies’ responses to climate change
- Million older workers forced out at huge loss to UK economy