Results for Governance

Daily Media Briefing
April 23, 2015- Bangladesh: 2 years after Rana Plaza, workers denied rights
- World discarded $52 billion in electronic waste in 2014
- All 23 Nestlé USA factories achieve zero waste to landfill
- HSBC and Barclays urged to commit to Cost-of-Conduct reforms
- Survey: wealthiest should donate 25% of money to good causes

Daily Media Briefing
April 21, 2015- State of Sustainability 2015: Survey reveals untapped potential
- World Bank breaks its own rules as millions lose land and livelihoods
- Tainted Lands project to address corrupt land deals
- APB launches programme to help outlets in Singapore serve alcohol responsibly
- Europe expected to bring antitrust charges against Gazprom

Daily Media Briefing
April 16, 2015- Report: BP dropped green energy projects worth billions to focus on fossil fuels
- Taiwan launches water rationing to fight drought
- Lowe's to stop selling neonic pesticides linked to bee deaths
- Brazil ruling party official held amid Petrobras probe
- European Commission launches scientific debate on how to feed the planet

Daily Media Briefing
April 09, 2015- ‘Chevron Tapes’ allegedly show oil giant covering up Amazon contamination
- Australia chases BHP, Rio Tinto on Singapore tax shelter
- Greater economic and political power gives women more seats in boardroom
- European Commission agrees to use social progress tool alongside GDP
- Unilever fast-tracks deforestation pledge into 2015

Mixed messages, and other election news
April 02, 2015 Mike Tuffrey says now is the time to tackle carbon pricing, when the oil price collapse will sugar the pill. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
March 26, 2015- Iglo Group and WRAP launch food waste reduction programme
- Report: Managing risk in unstable countries – lessons from South Sudan
- Report: Mobile technology driving supply chain efficiency
- UK's low carbon economy now generates over £120bn-a-year
- Global Fund cancels $574 million AIDS grants over financial mismanagement

Daily Media Briefing
March 25, 2015- Report: CSR communications on FTSE100 websites is subpar
- Wells Fargo & Bank of America launch $1m water grant programmes
- FTSE 100 firms appoint more women to their boards
- Monsanto seeks retraction for report linking herbicide to cancer
- US coal sector in 'terminal decline', financial analysts say

Note to bosses: workers perform better if you give to charity
February 05, 2015 Corporate philanthropy can inspire employees to knuckle down just as much as a pay hike, say Mirco Tonin and Michael Vlassopoulos, University of Southampton. Read more >
Daily Media Briefing
January 29, 2015- CDP: US, Brazil, China and India least resilient against climate-related supply chain risks
- Human rights a path out of crisis and chaos, says Human Rights Watch world report
- IKEA sees sales of green products soar 58 per cent to over €1 billion
- Carlsberg working to develop biodegradable wood fibre bottle
- 14 outdoor companies pledge to boost women’s leadership