Results for Climate Change

Daily Media Briefing
June 20, 2018- US businesses speak out against Trump border policy
- Report: EU climate efforts not living up to Paris promises
- UK microbead ban comes into full effect
- Verizon to stop selling phone location data to third parties
- US government to spend $18.5 million on offshore wind research

Daily Media Briefing
June 19, 2018- All of Interface’s flooring is now carbon neutral – at no extra cost to customers
- Amazon shareholders demand company stop selling facial recognition technology to governments
- Apple fined AU$9 million for misleading customers with faulty iPhones and iPads
- Volvo urges auto industry to increase recycled plastics offering
- Former France Telecom CEO to stand trial after wave of suicides

Daily Media Briefing
June 13, 2018- Goldman Sachs Asset Management launches exchange-traded fund to track JUST Capital’s Index
- UK MPs urge banks to end “alpha male culture” to close gender pay gap
- Seattle City Council repeals “head tax” following big-business opposition
- Asia Pacific computer users most vulnerable to cyberattacks due to high percentage of unlicensed software use
- Germany to miss 2020 climate target, government concedes in official report

Daily Media Briefing
June 11, 2018- UK to force big companies to publish worker to boss pay gap
- Legal & General to step up activism over climate change
- Pope Francis tells oil bosses world must reduce fossil fuel use
- Amazon blasted over China Echo factory conditions
- American Express to release ocean plastic credit card

Daily Media Briefing
June 05, 2018- Apple’s new software to deal with screen addiction
- Big investors urge G7 to step up climate action
- Hawaii signs law to become climate neutral by 2045
- Lush removes #SpyCops posters from some shops after “intimidation from ex-police officers”
- US appeals against ruling that Trump could not block Twitter followers

Daily Media Briefing
June 04, 2018- Britian should force companies to report climate risk exposure: lawmakers
- Report - Investing in a just transition: Why investors need to integrate a social dimension into their strategies
- Survey: Power companies less trusted by consumers than banks and telecoms
- Pilot whale dies after swalling 17 pounds of plastic waste
- Nestlé, Coca-Cola among 60 orgs stepping up to address pressures on UK water

Daily Media Briefing
May 30, 2018- Starbucks closes 8,000 stores in US for racial-bias training
- RBS cuts lending to new coal and Arctic oil projects
- Ben & Jerry’s blockchain pilot allows customers to buy carbon-offset ice cream
- China’s carbon emissions set for fastest growth in seven years
- Dutch government appeals against court ruling over emissions cuts

Daily Media Briefing
May 29, 2018- Leading copper producer pushes for gender diversity - with all-male board
- World’s largest insurers stalling on UN climate challenges
- European Commission moves to ban single-use plastics
- Renewables not to blame for rising power costs: ACCC boss
- De Beers to sell diamonds made in a lab

Daily Media Briefing
May 23, 2018- Shell boss hit by shareholder revolt over £8 million pay
- Legal & General launches fund to boost gender diversity
- Most GDPR emails unnecessary and some illegal, say experts
- “Climate change is real,” carmakers tell White House in letter
- Report: Global carbon market increases by 56% in one year, says World Bank

Daily Media Briefing
May 21, 2018- Australia divided over “Brazilian-scale” land clearance
- Iceland becomes first UK retailer to trial deposit return machine
- Report: Bitcoin mining could take up 0.5% of global energy consumption in 2018
- Report: Carbon Tracker release report assessing alignment of companies’ scenario analyses with investors’ requirements
- African cities commit to reaching zero carbon by 2050