Third Sector News, CCB 101

September 30, 2008

Third Sector News, CCB 101

A round up of the Third Sector news stories from August and September 2008.

Charities at risk if they don’t invest ethically
A survey conducted by EIRIS Foundation and released on August 11, shows that 91% of UK adults think that charities should invest in an ethical or socially responsible way. The survey found that 52% of respondents were unwilling to donate to charities that invest in ways that are against their principles, whilst 31% were less likely to donate to such organisations. The research illustrates that public support for ethical investment is rising. In 2001, a survey for the Charities Aid Foundation revealed that 40% of the public preferred to support organisations that invest ethically. Only 14% of those questioned in 2001 were unwilling to support charities which did not invest ethically.

For more information on the ethical investment of charities go to:

EIRIS Foundation Charity Project
020 7840 5738

Top reporting charities announced
The Intelligent Giving website announced the best and the worst annual reports published by the nonprofit sector on August 6. The website ranked organisations according to the Charity Commission criteria. The highest ranked report was published by Cancer Research UK. The worst ranked charity was Pilgrim Homes which helps elderly Protestants.

Intelligent Giving
020 8144 8943

Charities’ income decreases
The Directory of Social Change released a survey on August 19 illustrating how most charities have encountered problems with funding. 53% of respondents admitted that their charity’s income was declining, whilst less than a third claimed that their organisation’s income was growing. Most respondents described an increasing struggle to get funding, with more competition for shrinking resources. Because much of the lottery funding is now going towards the 2012 Olympics, many charities are missing out on necessary funding from the lottery. This places more pressure on charitable trusts and therefore there is considerable competition for a dwindling or static pool of resources.

Directory of Social Change
020 7391 4800

Make a will during National Make a Will Month
Will Aid announced on August 28 that November 2008 will be the National Make a Will Month. During the month participating solicitors will be drawing up wills free of charge and in return for this service, people are being asked to support the Will Aid charities. The suggested donation level varies from £40 for a change to an existing will to £110 for a pair of matching wills. Will Aid is a partnership between solicitors and nine UK charities including the British Red Cross, Help the Aged and Save the Children. It was founded in 1988 and since then has raised nearly £7 million.

Will Aid
0300 0300 013

Chain Reaction – a new movement for social change
On September 17, Chain Reaction, the new social change initiative, announced key leadership figures that will drive the project. Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC, Tim Smit founder of the Eden Project, Virgin’s Sir Richard Branson, John Bird founder of the Big Issue and Jane Tewson, co-founder of Comic Relief will all be involved. In July this year, Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced his support for the programme, which forms part of the government’s ‘Council on Social Action’ programme. The first Chain Reaction event will take place from November 17-18 in London’s South Bank and will bring together 500 delegates from all sectors, from the UK and abroad, at least 100 of whom will be under 25 years old.

Chain Reaction
020 7473 9643

The Council on Social Action
020 7276 1234

Most admired charity contenders shortlisted
Shortlists for the four categories in Third Sector’s annual ‘Britain’s Most Admired Charities’ awards, drawn up on the advice of a panel of senior figures in the sector, were published on September 3. The four categories were: Most Admired Charity, Most Admired Chief Executive, Most Innovative Charity and Celebrity Charity Champion. The shortlists are based on nominations submitted by an advisory panel of sector experts and include The Baring Foundation, War on Want and PDSA. Most Innovative Charity nominees are; Afrikids, The Campaign Against Living Miserably, The Clore Duffield Foundation, The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, The London Community Recycling Network, The Public Law Project and The Big Give.

020 8267 4652

Survey seeks third sector views on local support
The quality of support for the third sector in every local area in England is being measured by a new survey of the sector. The Office of the Third Sector in the Cabinet Office has asked third sector organisations to share their experiences. This will help give local government the information it needs to facilitate an environment for a thriving third sector, and meet new performance targets. On September 22, 104,000 charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises received the National Survey of Third Sector Organisations (NSTSO) questionnaire from Ipsos MORI. This is the biggest ever survey of the sector and will examine local and national funding relationships, advice and support services and the state of relations with local government.

National Survey of Third Sector Organisations
0808 238 5464