Campaign Round-Up (October/November 2007)

November 21, 2007

Campaign Round-Up (October/November 2007)

November 21 2007

by Briefing staff

Does the ‘war on terror’ justify human rights abuses? And are women still facing discrimination? These are a couple of the issues covered in this edition of Briefing. These, and of course, crisps.

Unsubscribe me

Campaign group, Amnesty International, has launched an online campaign – Unsubscribe Me – in a bid to enable people to voice their concern to the government with regard to terrorism and human rights abuses. The idea is that one ‘unsubscribes’ from the government’s belief that the ‘war on terror’ justifies human rights abuses and the aim is to create a movement of people that have ‘unsubscribed’. Amnesty International has created an online community, where those that have ‘unsubscribed’ can share information and learn about the issues. The organisation also has the support of online communities such as Facebook and Bebo.

Why Women?

The Why Women? campaign, run by the Women’s Resource Centre, calls on government ministers to “put gender back on the agenda” by acknowledging that women face disadvantages and inequality due to their gender and that the services, which the women’s voluntary and community sector provides are publicly recognised. The campaign has begun its second phase.

Boycott Kettle Chips

After reports that Kettle Foods, the crisp producer, was allegedly not allowing its workers to join a union, users of the online networking site, Facebook, set up the Boycott Kettle Chips group. An example that anyone can be a campaigner and that citizen campaigning is on its way.; Boycott Kettle Chips