Results for Employees

Financial Times: reporting or leading business responsibility?

Financial Times: reporting or leading business responsibility?

August 01, 1996 The FT has just become an arts sponsor in its own right, teaming up with the annual ABSA awards, having long reported sponsorship and community involvement in its columns. What is its editorial policy on corporate social responsibility and how does it get involved itself in community activity? Read more >
Allied Dunbar: Out of Africa

Allied Dunbar: Out of Africa

October 01, 1995 Due to the pioneering vision of its South African founders, Allied Dunbar has an impressive and a well resourced community programme; however the strong emphasis on achieving social benefits has so far outweighed the positive impact on the mainstream business. Read more >
The generation game

The generation game

October 01, 1995 Despite all the good work in companies, building links between the world of work and schools, the younger generation appears more alienated from society than ever before. Read more >
Staff benefits from the community

Staff benefits from the community

August 01, 1995 How can you evaluate the human resource benefits from employee community involvement? A new research report, published in June and discussed at a BITC conference of personnel managers, has some answers. Read more >